My Take on ............

As we march through the days, months and years that make up our lives, we experience things that determine what we think and make us what we are. This is my chance to share "My Take on ..........."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Decades ....continued

          As I reviewed the first installment of "Decades" in preparation to write the next post, I realized it turned out to be a little different than I had intended. My original thought was to define the decades of my life by pointing to specific events but it seemed to turn into a mini autobiography. But I guess thats OK, everyone seemed to enjoy it so I will stay the course.

The 70'S

          Looking back it's hard to imagine how so much can happen in ten years time. I don't think I could survive that kind of change now! When I turned sixteen my whole world seemed to change. The most amazing thing I remember about those times is how everything you do is a new experience and when you have to figure it out as you go along it can be scary.
         As the seventies began I was fresh off my sixteenth birthday, I got my drivers licence, got a car, started work on my first public job and started dating my soon to be wife. From there everything became a blur. A little more than two years into the decade I was married. In that same year I graduated from high school and became a father a couple of months later. It was if I had fallen off a cliff into the abyss called adulthood.  
          Four years later I made what turned out to be the most important decision of my life. I accepted a job with a company that wanted me to move away from the only place I had ever known. It started me on a journey that would lead me to the wonderfull place in my life I now reside. I looked to west and watched the sun set over the giant blue mountains, a fair haired princess was at that very moment preparing for her journey, a journey that would lead her to me .....

           We spent the next four years raising our first daughter, creating our second beautiful daughter and moving three more times. Once again times were very hard, I worked way more than I should have and sometimes I wondered if the life we were chasing would ever be in our grasp.
            The 80's were on the horizon, my twenty's were slipping away and life was becoming more and more complicated.

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