My Take on ............

As we march through the days, months and years that make up our lives, we experience things that determine what we think and make us what we are. This is my chance to share "My Take on ..........."

Monday, November 23, 2009


        Love ... Often dismissed as over rated by those who don't have it, cherished by those who do. Some spend a lifetime searching for it, others are lucky enough to find it at every turn. For those of us who have been around a while,we have most likely been on both sides of the fence.. had it.. lost it.. dreamed of it.. found it when we least expected it. I myself have been lucky enough to find the love of my life at a time when I had just about come to the conclusion that all hope of feeling that most wonderful of emotions again was gone forever.
        It has changed me and changed my life! It is amazing how you look at things differently through those rose colored glasses that are standard equipment when you are in love. Things that were once drudgery are now fun and exciting. Each day becomes an adventure, things that once seemed out of reach are now possible and your desire to reach out for those things is renewed.
        If you consider yourself in love, don't take it for granted that it will always be there, for you may wake one day and realize that things have changed. It will leave you wondering where you went wrong. Love is like a beautifull garden filled with things you love to enjoy. But without a lot care and nurturing it can become wilted, filled with weeds and finally dying, leaving behind only the remains of what used to be.
        So whether it's a spouse, a girl/boy friend, a child or a parent, don't just say the words that we so often carelessly use out of habit when leaving them or at the end of a phone conversation. "I love you" should always come from the heart and be accompanied by the actions and emotions that let them feel what you feel for them and inspires them to love you in return.        


  1. You are amazing! You could be an author! I now know where Monica's gift of writing comes from.......YOU!!! I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you with all my heart.

  2. Sarah WhiteJanuary 13, 2010

    im speechless... :) you are an amazing writer! your words are so inspiring and you feel so happy when you read them, love is hard to define and you managed to do just that! "If you consider yourself in love, don't take it for granted that it will always be there, for you may wake one day and realize that things have changed." its so true!!

  3. I'm glad to know that Aunt Joyce has found such a compassionate companion. You're just the ray of sunshine she needed after everything in her life!
