My Take on ............

As we march through the days, months and years that make up our lives, we experience things that determine what we think and make us what we are. This is my chance to share "My Take on ..........."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Decades......continued again

The 80's

           As the 80's began it found us newly settled in eastern North Carolina. We busily went about the task of raising a family and managing a career . Life was pretty good. We spent a lot of time camping and doing all the things families should be doing together. In fact, the 80's were almost entirely dedicated to the kids as they worked their way through school. It was girl scouts, ballet, sports, and cheerleading. Friday night football, dances and sleep over's. I felt good about it. It was all the things I didn't have when I was their age.
            It was 1985 that marked another turning point in my life. We had become weary of all the moving and missed home. Out of the blue came a job offer from back home that I couldn't pass up. So we packed up and moved back to Virginia again. This was the place that my girls finally would call home. For me it was the beginning point of a journey that would span 25 years and finally lead me to real happiness.

        ........ the mountains rose once again in the west before me. In the land beyond the sunset the fair haired princess was troubled as she began her search for the love she could only dream of ..........      

            The balance of the decade was spent working on our new place, enjoying being with family again and all the things we missed while we were away. But for me there was something different. I realized that after all these years something was missing. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on but as the 80's drew to a close there were dark clouds on the horizon warning of an eminent storm of change.   


  1. i love this one! i really felt like i was there experiencing it with you! i love how you talked about how life progressed and even though life itself was going on you found your new begining after, beautiful!

  2. hey its sarah! you have inspired me to make a blog! if you would like to follow mine as well its :)

  3. What a story! I want to turn a page and keep reading and all of a sudden I realize it comes to a stop, and I'm sad. This is such a good saga that I get excited when I open up your blog and I see something new posted. If you decide on a new career in the future....Write a book! W. J.
